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FIN Weekly #6 - 2016

Written by Christopher Simonian | 10 February 2016
Copying Points across FIN Stack


This week we put the spotlight on easy ways to copy points across your FIN Stack server. Often times, you will run into the situation where you'll need to create a custom point for multiple equipment. Some examples of this would be a Room Temp Delta point, or possibly some additional calculation points that don't come included such as Totals, Sums, Averages or Min/Max points.


By utilizing the "Copy Points" Tool, users can create, setup and tag a new point (or points) and then copy them to any other location/equipment in your database. The copy points tool menu shows which points will be copied and then allows you to enter a filter to make sure it goes to the right equipment.


There are so many uses for this simple-yet-powerful tool, so if your not familiar with it go ahead and check out the video below for a basic demonstration on how to use the "Copy Points" tool to copy points in FIN Stack.


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