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Mitigating Climate Change - Perspectives From Some J2 Employees

Written by B. Scott Muench | 13 October 2021

Everything we do requires energy. And the output of energy contributes to the output of carbon emissions. While the buildings industry alone can’t solve the climate crisis, it plays a major role in the production of carbon. Conversely, it can play a huge part in the reversal of climate change and reduction of carbon emissions. Here at J2 Innovations, we’re proud that our technology can certainly help in this effort. We asked a few team members with a passion for sustainability to weigh-in. Here’s what they had to say: 

Scott Muench, VP of Customer Experience 

“My passion for mitigating climate change was inspired by a 2010 TED Talk by Bill Gates where he unveiled his vision of getting to Zero carbon emissions globally by 2050. He simplified the challenge with the equation CO2=PxSxExC. This means the total amount of CO2 that we produce every day equals the number of people on the earth times the services they desire, times the energy consumed in the process, times the CO2 released to make the energy. 

Nearly a decade later, in his book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, he dove deeper into the elements of energy output in our daily lives: how we make things, how we grow things, how we get around, how we keep warm and cool, and how we plug in. I’m proud to work for a company that is doing its part in reducing greenhouse emissions while helping smart buildings and smart equipment continue to be more efficient.”


Domenico Di Canosa, SEE Director J2 Innovations

“We clearly need to reduce our impact on the planet and to cope with climate change. The immediate need for humanity is to find a more efficient way to guarantee life continuity in this acceleration of population growth and ambient condition harshening. Digitalization offers us an escape door to bypass traditional ways to counter the ever growing need for water and energy to feed the planet and keep it alive. Data analytics about anything related to life, providing privacy is respected, is the fastest way to reduce the need of those two essential life ingredients. J2 does a lot in reducing energy demand and providing useful data around buildings and can be a key player for tomorrow’s Smart Grids applications, further accelerating the achievement of the Net Zero Environmental Impact.”

Karthik Dundigalla, Technical Project Manager

"Sustainability is important to me because it is our future. We are doing a disservice if we consume our resources and leave waste behind to the point where it's irreparable for future generations. As we are all aware the past does have a reflection on our present. During the industrial revolution, we had to combat acid rain due to greater CO2 emissions. We figured out a way to overcome this as a planet. In this same manner, working for a company that works to reduce carbon emissions has the potential to make a difference for not just this generation but for the generations to come. 

Koppany Horvath, Developer

"Sustainability is important to me because it ensures that we will have the resources we need in the future by conserving them today. I'm happy to work for a company that reduces carbon emissions because it lets me do my part in the fight against Global Warming."

Michael Whalen, Director of Services

"Global Warming was something unforeseen by mankind for hundreds of years. I'm glad to be a part of a generation and especially a company like J2 that is aware of Global Warming and with sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions create a better place for future generations to come."