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FINtastic Tip:Mapping Your Sites with Edge2Cloud

Written by B. Scott Muench | 26 May 2022

FIN Edge2Cloud is a feature that allows FIN Framework users to easily access building data, and service and upgrade FIN-based building, equipment and IoT systems remotely and securely. Users can log-on to the cloud service and access FIN (and building) data remotely from anywhere, using any browser. 

FIN Edge2Cloud is especially helpful for enterprise users managing multiple sites. Wouldn't it be great if, instead of searching for a site from a list, you could click on the site you wanted to manage from a map view? 

Today's FINtastic is to use latitude and longitude.

When you create your site, if you include the latitude and the longitude on the site, it automatically appears on the map. As you add and integrate more sites, they will magically appear on the map because that latitude and longitude, which are defined by Haystack data, will automatically upgrade and those markers will be available there in the cloud.