The J2 Innovations' blog

The home of smart buildings, smart equipment and IoT

FIN Weekly #9 - 2016

Batch Update AHU Refs in FIN Stack


If you are familiar with FIN Stack, you know how vital and powerful Tags & Refs truly are. Especially when it comes to linking up your VAVs to their corresponding AHUs! We knew that setting up AHU Refs would be such a common scenario, so we went ahead and simplified the process into just a few simple clicks!


How It works:
By utilizing the 'Batch Update AHU Ref' tool users can select multiple equipment, open the tool, and select from any AHU available in the database. As soon as you press 'Apply', the tool automatically gives the selected equipment an "ahuRef" property tag and points it at the specified AHU. If an AHU Ref already existed, it will update it with the new one. Its that easy!


Pay off:
The AHU Ref has many benefits, below are just a few of them.
  • Any VAV to AHU control logic instantly starts working (i.e. Supply Air Reset, VAV Rollups)
  • Any graphic hyperlinks to the AHU instantly start working
  • Any points on graphics instantly start working (i.e. AHU Discharge Air Temp being used on the VAV will automatically grab the data from the correct AHU)
  • All of VAV summaries will instantly be grouped to the correct AHU
  • Your VAV data charts will be under the correct AHU
If you haven't tried utilized this tool before, be sure to check out the video below so you can set up your AHU Refs faster than ever.


Batch Update AHU Refs in FIN Stack

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Christopher Simonian

Chris has been with J2 Innovations for over 8 years and is an active part of the J2 Innovations Technical Support Team. Along with providing technical support, Chris also creates How-To-Videos, helps with licensing and orders, and provides a variety of professional services. Having hands-on experience with customer needs and the software itself has greatly contributed to the making of our J2 Innovations How-To-Videos.

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